Sunday, March 3, 2013

gaming, games, and more games

Yesterday, i met up with a good friend of mine, Josh. He and I are into pretty much the same kind of things. we like games that are different, easy to run, and vary from the vast amount of old standards in some way that sets it apart from the others. Having said that, we were going to try and run the Seyvoth Manor Dread game, but lacked enough players.

a few hours before meeting up with Josh, he posted to me on social media about a local board game group in town that was having an open house. we decided to go check it out at 3pm. at least we would be able to play some other stuff too.

i had known about this group before hand, had been to this specific building in years prior. its a good group of people who are really down to earth and are very enthusiastic about their group.

we first played a game called Coloretto, a game that involves building a collection of specific colors. it was fast paced and pretty good, a good warm up game for the next thing to come our way.

the next game was The Quiet Year, a great abstract game in which the players build an entire world on a map, and things are introduced throughout the game with a pull from a regular deck of cards. i was a little disappointed in my drawings, doesn't help when your playing with an artist, but the game was really absorbing me. i like it a lot. and might have to get a copy some way.

we broke for lunch. Josh and i hit up the local golden arches and got to talk about a few things. we headed back afterwards, and we decided to play Kobolds ate my Baby. This was something that i had wanted to play for a while, but the cobwebs sat heavy on the rules on my mind. it took awhile to get the gears going again, but i managed.

i pulled out my old Frankenstein board that i use for generic KAMB! games. and just dived in and went for it, describing everyday things for creatures that don't get out much is a bit difficult at times, but worth it. i think it went well, and deserves another play-through at some point.

we wrapped up the session, reaching deep into the 23rd hour of the day (11:00pm) with a game currently on kickstarter called Zombie House Blitz, a wacky combination of speed and solitaire that requires fast thinking and even faster hands. a great game that quick to learn and hard to master.


Josh's Gameblog and his crazy adventures

The Quiet Year

Zombie House Blitz Kickstarter

so i drop Josh back off at home, make my way to my domicile and head to bed at about 1am in the morning. my dreams are filled with, you guessed it, more games. my first dream is game oriented, but is so mindbending and strange i won't talk about it here. i think i'm going to write that one down. see what comes up.

the second dream involves friends from all of my gaming groups over the years. we we're all at the house i lived in during my childhood, and we were playing KAMB! again at the table. i remember little about the actual game itself, but the phrase "Identity Queft" came into play i know that Queft is a word jumble between Quest and Theft, and i have some ideas as how to flesh this thing out. intriguing.

so i played real games for nearly 8 hours, and then my brain played dream games for another 7 hours. isn't that really enough now?


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